How to make a Voxelised DNA Structure

DNA Structures are built from L-string seeded fractals.

L-strings and L-systems provide a grammar that can be used to generate a fractal. In this work, Hilbert curves are generated that are then converted into cubic placement ‘voxels’ for use in modelling.

[ ]:
import sys
from pathlib import Path

    # The voxelisation library produces the cubic voxelisation that
    # can be used to build DNA
    from fractaldna.structure_models import voxelisation as v

    # The hilbert module produces and handles L-Strings
    from fractaldna.structure_models import hilbert as h
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    from fractaldna.structure_models import voxelisation as v
    from fractaldna.structure_models import hilbert as h

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

Producing L-Strings

The hilbert model encodes a few basic fractals which can create Hilbert curves. These are

h.X: n<XFn<XFX-Fn>>XFX&F+>>XFX-F>X->
h.A: B-F+CFC+F-D&FnD-F+&&CFC+F+B<<
h.B: A&FnCFBnFnDnn-F-Dn|FnB|FCnFnA<<
h.C: |Dn|FnB-F+CnFnA&&FA&FnC+F+BnFnD<<
h.D: |CFB-F+B|FA&FnA&&FB-F+B|FC<<

Reference to these are all stored in hilbert.SUBSTITIONS.

The L-String language works as follows:

  • interpret F as DrawForward(1);

  • interpret + as Yaw(90);

  • interpret - as Yaw(-90);

  • interpret n as Pitch(90);

  • interpret & as Pitch(-90);

  • interpret > as Roll(90);

  • interpret < as Roll(-90);

  • interpret | as Yaw(180);

To ‘iterate’ an L-String, replace any reference to a subsititution with its value.

[ ]:
print("h.X:", h.X)
print("h.A:", h.A)
print("h.B:", h.B)
print("h.C:", h.C)
print("h.D:", h.D)

print("\nh.X iterated once:", h.iterate_lstring(h.X))

Drawing Fractals

The function generate_path will generate a list of XYZ-points for a fractal L-String as below, which can then be plotted in matplotlib

[ ]:
print("Points seperated by 1 unit, no intermediate points")
print(h.generate_path("F", distance=1, n=1))
print("Points seperated by 1 unit, 2 intermediate points")
print(h.generate_path("F", distance=1, n=2))
[ ]:
x_curve = np.array(h.generate_path(h.X, distance=1, n=10))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")

ax.plot(x_curve[:, 0], x_curve[:, 1], x_curve[:, 2])
[ ]:
x_iterated = h.iterate_lstring(h.X)
x_curve2 = np.array(h.generate_path(x_iterated, distance=1, n=10))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")

ax.plot(x_curve2[:, 0], x_curve2[:, 1], x_curve2[:, 2])

Making voxelised representations.

The voxelisation model can convert the path of this curve to a voxelised representation, of straight and curved boxes.

[ ]:
voxelised_fractal = v.VoxelisedFractal.fromLString(h.X)

# This can be plotted

Exporting large-scale structures to text.

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# And this can be returned as a data frame, or as text
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